Saturday, August 4, 2012

Divorce rates across nations: US has Highest Divorce Rates

Little-known fact: The US has the highest divorce rate in the world.  Here is a comparison of divorce rates (per capita) among OECD Countries (Source: Nationmaster)


  1. This blog is quite enlightening as it is completely based on actual facts highlighting the highest rate of divorce cases in the world. The statistical presentation of comparison of divorce case rates is sure to inform all about which country has registered maximum divorce case.Alimony florida

    1. Dacă doriți să vă salvați căsnicia, trebuie să fiți bine conștienți că veți avea nevoie de ajutor urgent de la un expert. Genul de ajutor care vă va permite să vă schimbați intențiile partenerului de a vă divorța. Prin urmare, dr. Obodo este aici pentru a vă ajuta și a opri divorțul să se întâmple.

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  2. My aunt found the uses of some Calgary divorce lawyers in Canada useful, who made me think that divorce was really popular there. But sheesh, Canada's rates are almost half as much as those in the U.S. And the United Kingdom is right below us. What's the deal with English and British people? Such a shame.

  3. The number one cause for divorce is finances. With the economy being so slow I don't foresee this going down anytime soon in the US.
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    New laws and guidelines have been proposed or enacted aided in part, or in reaction to, publicity raised by what most call Father's Rights Groups, especially since the advent of DNA testing.
    Modifications and enforcement: After divorce, child custody and child support orders often require modification due to changes in income or other circumstances.

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  5. That is so sad. I guess these days it would be a good business to be a divorce lawyers calgary.

  6. It's amazing how statistics vary and tell different stories about divorce. I'm keen to understand how the ABS calculated the cost of divorce to the Australia’s economy at AUD 6bn, how 700,000 Australian children no longer have any meaningful contact with their non-custodial parents and how 1.5 million extended family members are denied access to children. Can we believe the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) finding that divorced single men had an average $762,000 less in assets than non-divorced? More: Family & The Law (Family Law Portal)

  7. Hey there, the statistics of divorce rate which you showed here is quite accurate. Most people in US get divorced. But I want to say that since last 4 years, the divorce has been plunging dramatically.

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